
    This animated show about the robot named Gigantor has long delighted children with its cool graphics and face-paced story line. Gigantor and his team, consisting of Jimmy Sparks, Dr. Bob Brilliant, a funny policeman named Inspector Blooper and secret agent Dick Strong, all face villains, global nemeses, and new foes in each exciting, action-packed episode.

    Starring: Ray Owens, Billie Lou Watt, Peter Fernandez

    A 12 year-old boy named Little Jimmy Sparks controls Gigantor. Together, Jimmy and Gigantor fight crime and bad guys all over the world.

    Originally made by his father to be a weapon, Gigantor was re-tweaked to be an instrument of peace. Enemies, such as The Spider, Dubble Trubble and Dr. Katzmeow offer all sorts of challenges for the young boy and his robot. Other memorable characters include Bob Brilliant's teenage son Button, and Dr. Brilliant's housekeeper named Lotus. The show is an American adaptation of the anime version of Tetsujin 28-go, a manga by Mitsuteri Yokoyama.

    Additional Info

    • Genre: Animation, Children
    • Year: 1964
    • Duration: 52 x 30 min.
    • Clips: